ALE Publications
סייענו לחוקרים ולאקדמאים לפרסם את מחקריהם בכמה מן ההוצאות לאור היוקרתיות ביותר בעולם. אנו מזמינים אתכם לעיין ברשימת הפרסומים ולראות לאילו הוצאות לאור הוגשו העבודות והיכן פורסמו עבודותיהם של חוקרים ואקדמאים שעבדו עם חברת ALE
כתבי עת
- Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion
- Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning
- Research in Science Education
- African and Asian Studies
- AJS Review
- Akron Law Review
- Akron Law Review
- Al-Arabiyya
- Alberta Journal of Educational Research
- Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism
- Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review
- Altorientalische Forschungen
- American Educational Research Journal
- American Journal of Education Research
- American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- American Journal of Occupational Therapy
- Annals of Emergency Medicine
- Annals of Tourism Research
- Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Arabica
- Aramaic Studies
- Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health
- Artificial Intelligence Review
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
- Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education
- Association of Jewish Studies
- Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
- Behavioral Science & Policy
- Beit Mikra
- Biblica
- Biblical Interpretation
- Bioinformatics
- BMC Oral Health
- British Journal of Educational Technology
- British Journal of Middle East Studies
- British Journal of Political Science
- Cambridge International Law Journal
- Canadian Journal of Surgery
- Childhood and Philosophy
- Children and Youth Services Review
- Communication & Sport
- Comparative Legal History
- Computers in Human Behavior
- Contemporary Japan
- Creative Education
- Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines
- Culture and Religion
- Dead Sea Discoveries
- Discipline Filosofiche
- Dynamical Systems & Differential Equations
- Early Childhood Education Journal
- Economics and Business Review
- Educational Philosophy and Theory
- English Language Teaching Journal
- Environmental Health
- Environmental History
- Ethnicities
- European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
- European Journal of Immunology
- European Journal of Information Systems
- European Psychiatry
- Feminist Media Studies
- Fertility & Sterility
- Frontiers in Psychology
- Game Studies
- Gender and Society
- Genealogy
- Geriatrics & Gerontology International
- German Life and Letters
- HaRefua
- Harvard Journal of Law and Gender
- Harvard Theological Review
- Hazor
- Health Promotion International
- Hebrew Studies
- Hebrew Union College Annual
- Hebrew Union College Press
- Hispanic American Historical Review
- History and Anthropology
- History of Education Quarterly
- History of Religions
- Human Studies
- Iberia Judaica
- IFCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications
- Interactive Learning Environments
- Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning
- International Center for Family Law, Policy and Practice
- International Journal of Advanced Research
- International Journal of Bilingualism
- International Journal of Culture Studies
- International Journal of Eating Disorders
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- International Journal of Innnovation
- International Journal of Intercultural Relations
- International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research
- International Journal of Middle East Studies
- International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
- International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations
- International Urogynecology Journal
- Internationalization in Teacher Education
- Internet Research
- Islamic Law and Society
- Israel Affairs
- Israel Journal of Health Policy Research
- Israel Studies in Language and Society
- Israel Studies Review
- Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology (IISIT)
- JAMA Neurology
- Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought
- Jewish Law Annual
- Jewish Studies Internet Journal
- Journal Annals of Surgery
- Journal Asiatique
- Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
- Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
- Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
- Journal of Alternative Spiritualities and New Age Studies
- Journal of Ancient Judaism
- Journal of Arabic Literature
- Journal of Archaeological Science
- Journal of Archaeological Science
- Journal of Beliefs & Values
- Journal of Biblical Literature
- Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
- Journal of Business Venturing
- Journal of Communication
- Journal of Comparative Studies
- Journal of Computing in Higher Education
- Journal of Economics World
- Journal of Education and Training
- Journal of Education and Training
- Journal of Educational Administration
- Journal of Educational Technology
- Journal of European Studies
- Journal of Genocide Studies
- Journal of Hebrew Scriptures
- Journal of Innovation and Knowledge
- Journal of Israeli History, Politics, Society, Culture
- Journal of Jewish Education
- Journal of Jewish Studies
- Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science
- Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures
- Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures
- Journal of Military Medicine
- Journal of Modern Jewish Studies
- Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs
- Journal of Neuroendocrinology
- Journal of Neuroscience Research
- Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages
- Journal of Palestine Studies
- Journal of Palestinian Studies
- Journal of Perinatology
- Journal of Philosophy of Education
- Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
- Journal of Religion, Film and Media
- Journal of Teaching and Learning
- Journal of the American Oriental Society
- Journal of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society
- Karaite Texts and Studies
- Lancet
- Language and Education
- Language and Literature
- Law and History Review
- Law and Language
- Management Science
- Middle Eastern Studies
- Military Medicine
- Modern Judaism
- Modern Judaism
- Nashim
- Nationalism and Ethnic Politics
- Nations and Nationalism
- Numen International Review for the History of Religions
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- OECD iLibrary
- Online Learning Journal
- Orientalische Religionenen in der Antike (ORA)
- Pacific Accounting Review
- Past and Present
- Peamim
- Physical Review Physics Education Research
- Policy and Politics
- Policy Studies Journal
- Polin
- Political Communication
- Political Geography
- Psychiatric Services
- Psychology and Marketing
- Psychology and Marketing
- Public Administration
- Qualitative Social Work
- Quarterly Review of Film and Video
- Reading and Writing
- Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance
- Research in International Business and Finance
- Research in Science Education
- Review of European Studies
- Review of Rabbinic Judaism
- Review of Scientific Instruments
- Revue de Qumran
- Revue des
- Sexuality & Culture
- Sleep Health
- Small Business Economics: An Entreupenuership Journal
- Social Compass
- Social History of Alcohol and Drugs
- Social Problems
- Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment
- Strategic Design Research Journal
- Studia Judaica
- Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature (STTCL)
- Studies in Classical Archaeology
- Studies in Higher Education
- Symbolic Interaction
- Systems
- Teaching and Teacher Education
- Tehumin
- Tekstualia
- Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism
- The Cartographic Journal
- The Catholic Biblical Quarterly
- The College Mathematics Journal
- The Drama Review
- The Islamic Quarterly
- The Jewish Quarterly Review
- The Journal of Clinical Ethics
- The Journal of Legal Studies
- The Journal of Mind and Behavior
- The Journal of Pediatrics
- The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied
- The Journal of Religion
- The Torah U-Madda Journal
- Toronto Journal of Theology
- Total Quality Management & Business Excellence
- Tradition
- Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck
- Universal Journal of Educational Research
- Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
- US-China Law Review
- Vetus Testamentum
- Wolkenkuckucksheim
- World Leisure Journal
- World Union of Jewish Studies
- Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture and Ecology
- Yale Law Journal
- Zutot: Perspectives on Jewish Culture
מוציאים לאור
- Academic Studies Press
- American Institute of Physics
- APS Physics
- Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
- Berghahn Journals
- Biblical Studies on the Web
- BioMed Central
- Brandeis University Press
- Brill
- Cambridge University Press
- Cambridge University Press
- Canadian Center of Science and Education
- Carmel Publishing House
- Childhood and Philosophy
- Contento De Semrik
- Cuvillier Verlag
- David Publishing Company
- De Gruyter
- De Gruyter Oldenbourg
- Duke University Press
- Edward Elgar Publishing
- Elsevier
- Frontiers
- Hadassa Word Press
- Hakirah
- Harvard University Press
- Hebrew Union College Press
- Horizon Research Publishing Corporation
- Iberia Judaica
- Indiana University Press
- Informing Science Institute
- International Journal of Advanced Research
- International Journal of Computer Systems
- International Journal of Language and Law
- Israel Exploration Society
- Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought
- Koren Publishers
- Lexington Books
- Liverpool University Press
- Macrothink Institute
- MIT Press
- Mohr Siebeck
- National Association of Professors of Hebrew
- North Atlantic Books
- Oxford Academic
- Oxford Scholarship Online
- Oxford University Press
- Palgrave
- Peeters Online Journal
- Peeters Publishers
- Penn State University Press
- Redfame Publishing
- Routledge
- Rubin Mass
- Sage
- Scala
- Schneider Verlag Hohengehren
- Scientific Research
- Springer
- Stanford University Press
- Sussex Academic
- Syracuse University Press
- Taylor and Francis
- Teaching and Educational Research
- University of California Press
- University of Chicago Press
- University of Maine
- University of Pittsburgh Press
- University Press of New England
- Wiley