Watch the Recording: 'Ask the Publication Experts': How to Identify Research Gaps and Develop Your Research Question
Gareth Dyke, Director of Global Content at Research Square Company, and Avi Staiman, CEO of Academic Language Experts, answer all of the publishing questions you've ever wanted to ask (yes, all questions are welcome!). Scroll down to learn more!

Gareth Dyke

Director of Global Content,
at Research Square Company

Avi Staiman

at Academic Language Experts

Gareth Dyke, Director of Global Content at Research Square Company, and Avi Staiman, CEO of Academic Language Experts, answer all of the publishing questions you've ever wanted to ask (yes, all questions are welcome!).
  • Knowledge on how you can best identify knowledge gaps in your research field
  • Tools to successfully embark upon innovative research projects
  • *By signing up for this event, you agree to share your registration information with ALE and Research Square Company.

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