Watch the Recording: Inclusive Scholarly Publishing
Christie Henry, director of Princeton University Press, shared her experiences and ambitions in support of creating a level playing field for all authors interested in university press publishing. Christie discussed the strategic initiatives undertaken by global university presses to diversify the representation of authors and publishing teams, supporting scholars and providing them with new opportunities to succeed.
Joined by: Christie Henry, Director at Princeton University Press
Christie Henry
Director, at Princeton University Press
Christie Henry, Director at Princeton University Press, shared her experiences and ambitions in support of creating a level playing field for all authors interested in university press publishing. Christie discussed the strategic initiatives undertaken by global university presses to diversify the representation of authors and publishing teams, supporting scholars and providing them with new opportunities to succeed.
How can top-notch research from underrepresented authors be identified?
What types of support should be offered to assist these authors?
What is the right balance between publishing established authors in a field versus taking a chance on a new scholar in a less established institution?
What should publishers be doing to increase transparency in the book publication process?